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» Kenapa begitu ya??
Amoeba Penyerang Saraf (N. fowleri) Icon_minitime1Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:58 pm by Try budi

» Tatoo Dalam Buddhisme :?:
Amoeba Penyerang Saraf (N. fowleri) Icon_minitime1Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:23 pm by Try budi

» Apa bedanya Vihara dan Kelenteng
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» sate torpedo
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» seperti mama
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» sedihnya jadi cowo
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» sayembara putri raja
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Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:19 am by Elvilina

Teman - teman KMBVD akan mengadakan MALAM KEAKRABAN:
Tgl 14-17 Agustus 2009 ( 4 hr, 3 mlm )
Di Villa Azelea,Puncak
Acara ad fireworks,BBQ, Api Unggun di tempat yg enak n satu keuntungan bagi yg …

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Malam Kesenian + Charity Night bY KMB Dhammavaddhana..

Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:14 pm by kRistLe

tmenNn2, dtg eN ajak tmen2nyahh yG bnyx yawhHhh k acr Malam ksenian + Charity Night KMBD Binus :
"Express Our Spirit of Dhamma Through Art, Culture, n' Education"
Sabtu 13 Juni 09
17.00 …

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Perayaan Waisak KMB VD

Tue May 19, 2009 9:14 am by Elvilina

Teman - teman KMB VD mengundang untuk menghadiri perayaan waisak yang diadakan oleh KMB VD pada:
Tanggal: Minggu 24 ei '09
Waktu : Pukul 15.00-selesai
Tempat : Vihara Amurva Bhumi
JL. …

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2 posters

    Amoeba Penyerang Saraf (N. fowleri)


    Jumlah posting : 95
    Age : 37
    Lokasi : kalideres
    Nama KMB - Universitas : Atma jaya
    Fakultas/Jurusan - Angkatan : Fkip bhs inggris
    Registration date : 17.10.08

    Amoeba Penyerang Saraf (N. fowleri) Empty Amoeba Penyerang Saraf (N. fowleri)

    Post  yunita Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:04 am

    Be careful yah...
    Yg kena dibwh ini cucunya temen nyokap, awalnya dibilang meningitis tp ternyata penyakit ini...

    Dan meninggal setelah ketika mau dibawa ke singapore...



    Ini jenis penyakit baru yang bisa langsung shutdown otak.

    Be carefull... sudah kejadian ada keponakan temen sekantor gw umur 25 tahun yang terserang 1 hari setelah berenang di Grand Hyatt dan sekarang dalam keadaan koma sudah 3 hari ini.

    Dokter menyatakan bahwa kemungkinan hidupnay hanya tinggal 5%, dan kalaupun dia bisa bertahan hidup dalam keadaan terbelakang.



    Primary Amoebic (PAM)
    Enam warga AS tewas akibat Otaknya Digerogoti Amuba

    PHOENIX - Musibah yang menimpa enam warga Amerika Serikat (AS) ini sepertinya memang tidak masuk akal. Mereka tewas setelah otaknya digerogoti amuba. Makhluk hidup bersel satu yang biasanya tinggal di danau itu diduga kuat masuk melalui hidung mereka dan lantas bersarang di otak.

    Kasus kematian yang melibatkan amuba memang sangat jarang terjadi. Tapi, di AS, tahun ini saja, sudah ada enam orang yang tewas akibat "serangan" amuba. "Jelas, kasus tersebut harus kami selidiki hingga tuntas," papar Michael Beach, pakar penyakit yang berhubungan dengan air di Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Berdasar penyelidikan awal, diketahui bahwa amuba pencabut nyawa itu bernama Naegleria fowleri.

    Menurut Beach , Naegleria adalah amuba pecinta panas. "Jika suhu air tempat ia tinggal baik, Naegleria akan lebih aktif," ujarnya. Karena itu, kecenderungan meningkatnya suhu udara dan temperatur air di masa mendatang menjadi kekhawatiran terbesar CDC. Sebab, kasus kematian karena Naegleria juga akan semakin banyak. Dalam periode 1995-2004, amuba tersebut sudah merenggut nyawa sedikitnya 23 orang di AS.

    Naegleria paling banyak ditemukan di wilayah selatan AS. Tapi, secara umum, amuba berbahaya itu hidup hampir di setiap danau, mata air, genangan air, dan kolam renang yang tidak bersih. Kolam atau danau yang banyak ditumbuhi ganggang dan bakteri menjadi tempat hunian favorit Naegleria. "Biasanya, korban terinfeksi saat menyelam di danau atau kolam yang dangkal hingga menyentuh dasarnya," terang Beach .

    Setelah berhasil masuk tubuh manusia, amuba tersebut merusak jaringan yang ia lewati hingga mencapai otak. "Aktivitas merusak itu ia teruskan dengan menggerogoti sel-sel otak korbannya," imbuh Beach . Dampaknya, korban akan mengeluhkan sakit (kaku) leher, sakit kepala, dan demam. Pada tahap lebih lanjut, korban akan menunjukkan tanda-tanda kerusakan otak, seperti halusinasi dan perubahan perilaku.

    "Sekali terinfeksi, korban tidak memiliki banyak peluang untuk selamat. Bahkan, obat-obatan yang diberikan tidak bisa mencegah kematian," katanya. Dia menambahkan bahwa Naegleria hanya butuh waktu sekitar dua pekan untuk melumpuhkan korbannya. Hingga saat ini, para peneliti di AS masih terus mengembangkan penelitian dan upaya untuk mengatasi serangan amuba yang lebih sering menyerang kaum adam itu.

    Jumlah posting : 390
    Age : 39
    Lokasi : Jakarta
    Nama KMB - Universitas : KMB VD - Unika Atma Jaya
    Fakultas/Jurusan - Angkatan : Teknobiologi/Biologi - 2004
    Registration date : 20.01.08

    Amoeba Penyerang Saraf (N. fowleri) Empty Fakta N. fowleri dari CDC

    Post  William Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:34 am

    What is Naegleria?

    Naegleria (nigh-GLEER-E-uh) is an ameba commonly found in warm freshwater and soil. Only one species of Naegleria infects people, Naegleria fowleri. It causes a very rare but severe brain infection. Most infections are fatal.

    How does infection with Naegleria occur?

    Naegleria infects people by entering the body through the nose. Generally, this occurs when people use warm freshwater for activities like swimming or diving. The ameba travels up the nose to the brain and spinal cord where it destroys the brain tissue. Infections do not occur as a result of drinking contaminated water.

    Where is Naegleria found?

    Naegleria fowleri is found around the world. In the United States, it has caused infections in 15 southern tier states (AR, AZ, CA, FL, GA, LA, MO, MS, NC, NM, NV, OK, SC, TX, and VA). The ameba grows best in warm or hot water. Most commonly, the ameba may be found in:

    * Bodies of warm freshwater, such as lakes, rivers
    * Geothermal (naturally hot) water such as hot springs
    * Geothermal (naturally hot) drinking water sources
    * Warm water discharge from industrial plants
    * Poorly maintained and minimally-chlorinated or unchlorinated swimming pools
    * Soil

    Naegleria is not found in salt water locations like the ocean.

    Can I get Naegleria infection from a disinfected swimming pool?

    No. You cannot get a Naegleria infection from a properly cleaned, maintained, and disinfected swimming pool.

    How common are Naegleria infections in the United States?

    Infections are very rare even though Naegleria is commonly found in freshwater. In the 10 years from 1998 to 2007, 33 infections were reported in the U.S. Thirty-one people had contact with recreational water and two people had contact with water from a geothermal (naturally hot) water supply.

    When do Naegleria infections most commonly occur?

    While infections with Naegleria are very rare, they occur mainly during the summer months of July, August, and September. These infections are more likely to occur in southern tier states. They usually occur when it is hot for prolonged periods causing higher water temperatures and lower water levels. Infections can increase during heat wave years.

    Can infection be spread from one person to another?

    No. Naegleria infection cannot be spread from one person to another.

    What are the symptoms of Naegleria infection?

    Infection with Naegleria causes the disease primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), a brain infection that leads to the destruction of brain tissue. In its early stages, Naegleria infection may be similar to bacterial meningitis.

    Initial symptoms of PAM start 1 to 14 days after infection. The initial symptoms include headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, and stiff neck. Later symptoms include confusion, lack of attention to people and surroundings, loss of balance, seizures, and hallucinations. After the start of symptoms, the disease progresses rapidly and usually causes death within 3 to 7 days.

    Is there effective treatment for infection with Naegleria?

    It is not clear. Several drugs are effective against Naegleria in the laboratory. However, their effectiveness is unclear since almost all infections have been fatal even when people were treated.

    What should I do if I have been swimming or playing in freshwater and now think I have symptoms associated with Naegleria?

    Infection with Naegleria is very rare. The early symptoms of Naegleria infection are more likely to be caused by other more common illnesses, such as meningitis. People should seek medical care immediately whenever they develop a sudden onset of fever, headache, stiff neck, and vomiting particularly if they have been in warm fresh water within the previous 2 weeks.

    How common is Naegleria in the environment?

    Naegleria is commonly found in most lakes in southern tier states during the summer. This means that recreational water users should be aware that there will always be a low level risk of infection when entering these waters.

    Is there a routine and rapid test for Naegleria in the water?

    No. It can take weeks to grow and identify the ameba. Newer genetic detection tests for ameba are still under development. Water testing suggests that the amebae are so common that recreational water users should assume that there is a low level of risk when entering all warm fresh water in southern tier states.

    How does the risk of Naegleria fowleri infection compare with other water-related risks?

    Although the infections are severe, the risk of Naegleria fowleri infection is very low. There have been 33 reported infections in the U.S. during the 10 years from 1998 to 2007, despite millions of recreational water exposures each year. By comparison, during the ten years from 1996 to 2005, there were over 36,000 drowning deaths in the U.S.

    How will the public know if a lake or other water body has Naegleria?

    Recreational water users should assume that there is always a low level of risk whenever they enter warm freshwater (for example swimming, waterskiing) in southern tier states. Posting signs is unlikely to be an effective way to prevent infections. This is because the location and number of amebae in the water can vary a lot over time. In addition, posted signs might create a misconception that bodies of water without signs are Naegleria-free. Information about the risks of Naegleria infection should be put into public health messages discussing general issues of water safety and risk.

    How can I reduce the risk of infection with Naegleria?

    Naegleria is found in many warm freshwater lakes and rivers in the United States, particularly in southern tier states. It is likely that a low risk of Naegleria infection will always exist with recreational use of warm freshwater lakes, rivers, and hot springs. The low number of infections makes it difficult to know why some people have been infected compared to the millions of other people using the same or similar waters across the U.S. The only known way to prevent Naegleria infections is to refrain from water-related activities. However, some measures that might reduce risk by limiting the chance of contaminated water going up the nose include:

    * Avoid water-related activities in bodies of warm freshwater, hot springs, and thermally-polluted water such as water around power plants.
    * Avoid water-related activities in warm freshwater during periods of high water temperature and low water levels.
    * Hold the nose shut or use nose clips when taking part in water-related activities in bodies of warm freshwater such as lakes, rivers, or hot springs.
    * Avoid digging in or stirring up the sediment while taking part in water-related activities in shallow, warm freshwater areas.

    For further information on protecting yourself from recreational water illnesses, go to

    Developed by the Naegleria Workgroup sponsored by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists and CDC, April 30, 2008.

    This fact sheet is for information only and is not meant to be used for self-diagnosis or as a substitute for consultation with a health care provider. If you have any questions about the disease described above or think that you may have a parasitic infection, consult a health care provider.

      Waktu sekarang Sun Sep 08, 2024 9:53 am